Evangelism Ministry
Matthew 28:19 (NIV) – Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
The mission of the Evangelism Ministry is to witness by spreading the Word of God: to make Jesus Christ known, trusted, loved, obeyed and exemplified in our communities and in the whole range of individual life – body, mind, and spirit and in all human relationships.
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Ministry Leaders
Servant Leader – Juanita Jones & Maurice Walker

Health and Wellness
The health and wellness ministry promotes whole-person health and healing —body, mind and spirit. It includes a wide variety of faith community services, from coordinating blood pressure checks and other health screenings to helping people find health resources to visiting the sick and homebound.
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Ministry Leaders
Servant Leader – Dr. Deborah Ingram

Social Justice Ministry
The Social Justice Ministry works to address the root cause of modern-day
injustices. The ministry looks to serve as a communal awareness clearing house by sharing information, convening social justice events, and facilitating calls to action.
More about us
Ministry Leaders
Servant Leaders – Yolanda Smith, Shaun Perry, Crystal Glover, &
Christine Jones